Tank Cars

by Ivan W. Baugh

Tank cars are used to transport liquids and gases on trains. Liquids may include gasoline, oil, chemicals, and water. Gases may include various types of chemicals, many of which fall in the hazardous substance category. Railroads must follow U. S. Department of Transportation regulations regarding the handling of these substances. Remember that gases can ignite following an accident, creating a dangerous situation for people and animals in the area near the track. Wind direction at an accident site also influences the area which must be evacuated following a hazardous spill. If there is a strong wind, the area to be evacuated can extend for miles from the site.

According to material posted on the Internet, tank cars represent the second largest segment of railroad equipment, about 18 percent. (i) Railroad tank cars come in various sizes and construction.


Insulated Tank Cars. 2003 (visited February 14, 2003). http://www.unifrax.com/Web/UnifraxHome.nsf/MarketSegments2/Fire+Protection+Applications-Railroad+Tank+Cars?OpenDocument

Tank cars. (2003) visited February 14, 2003. http://www.corrosioncost.com/pdf/rail.pdf