Mid-Central Region NMRA
Achievement Program

Mark Norman, Chairman
phone 502.797.2062 or email

NMRA Achievement Program Introduction
NMRA Achievement Program Evaluating (Judging) Guidelines with Scoring Matrices

Division Eight has many excellent modelers. Their participation in the Achievement Program documents this excellence. The links below will let you see the record of our participation.

Current/Active Member Participation
Inactive/Deceased Members
Master Model Railroaders

Certified AP Evaluators
Ed Brennan
Bob Dawson
Tom Guenthner
Bob Johnson
Bob Kuchler
Bill Lynch
Mark Norman
Fred Soward
Cecil Stewart
Eric Waggoner
Division 8 Coaches
Author. . . . . . . . . . . . Rick Tipton
Benchwork . . . . . . . . Rick Maloney
Cars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ed Brennan
Dispatcher. . . . . . . . . .Bob Dawson, Fred Soward
Engineer-Civil. . . . . . Fred Soward, Bruce DeMaeyer
Engineer-Electrical . . Russ Weis, Bruce DeMaeyer
Motive Power. . . . . . .Chris Broughton
Scenery . . . . . . . . . . . Bob Kuchler, Bruce DeMaeyer
Structures . . . . . . . . . Chris Broughton
Volunteer . . . . . . . . . .Bob Frankrone
Golden Spike. . . . . . . Mark Norman

NMRA Achievement Program Introduction

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